Thursday, November 02, 2006

Maintain your Credit

Maintain Your Credit Rating
by Nan Wood

Having good credit in today’s society is extremely important. Without good credit, you will have trouble buying a new home, car, possibly find it difficult to find employment for certain jobs, etc. If you are having financial difficulties, here are some tips on preventing bad credit.

If you are late on a payment or can’t afford to pay your bills, this does not necessarily dictate you having bad credit. In fact, most people in their lifetime will be temporarily unemployed or ill for a period of time and will not be able to work. Many of these people will have bills that they will fall behind on. However, you can do a few things to avoid bad credit, even though you have fallen behind on your bills.

Make sure you contact your creditors immediately, whether it is your mortgage company, car company or credit cards. You can usually ask for a deferment or at least tell them the situation. Most of the time, they will work with you. You can create a payment plan where you can send them a little money each month, to show that you are in good faith willing to pay the debt off. For credit card companies, it is much easier for them to work with you then to send creditors to try to collect their money. If you are having financial difficulties, contact your creditors and communicate with them to come to a solution in order to prevent bad credit.

Maintaining a good rating will carry you thru all financing needs. Take care and you will have no problems.For online research on financing visit


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