Read the Fine Print on all Contracts
by nan wood
If you are planning on applying for a credit card, make sure that once you receive your credit card in the mail, read the fine print. Credit card companies try to make sure that the agreement between them and the consumer benefits them in large part. Before you use the credit card, make sure you protect your rights and read the fine print so that you can determine if the credit card is worth the convenience.
Most credit cards create long, fine print terms and conditions in the hopes that most consumers will not read it. Yes, it is correct, that many credit card companies hope that you do not read the fine print of their contract with you. This practically guarantees that they have a financial advantage and that you sign on to an agreement with very little recourse.
Credit card companies are not looking to be fraudulent with you; however they try to gain every advantage that they can. This can include the possibility of raising your interest rate if you are late with a payment, the possibility of fees they can levy against you if you go over your credit limit or the amount of interest they charge you once you make a purchase. If you want to make sure that you understand what you are signing up for, make sure you read the find print of the terms and conditions of the credit card.
I wrote this article for credit card users but, in reality, you must read the fine print in all contracts you sign. The difference can be enormous, particularly when you have a problem. Take care.
Nan is a Real Estate Agent with an information site online for research.
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